Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 1st 1910

3 eggs.

Clear, lovely. Brisk warm S. wind.

Took Julia to shcool.

Helped chore.

Hubby went up to Henry's then to town. Bot Kimble's 2 horses and 1 cow.

I washed.

George Rihfield borrowed pitchfork, Chas. Rosencutter brot it back.

Mr. Moffitt wants to husk corn with our teams.

All happened while Hubby was gone to town.

Went after Julia: school seems too hard for one so young, think we will keep her home tomorrow at least.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 31 1910

Clear & warm. wind N to W.

Took Julia to school house door. Hubby carried her part way.

Helped chore, work with pump, carry board for stable roof and put up one top plate one stable.

Judge Kimble phoned out to Hubby; wanted to sell 2 horses and 1 cow.

Hubby went to look at Henry's horses.

Went after Julia. Rufine said Emil Priboth was married Jan. 4th 1910.


Got washing ready for tomorrow.

January 30 1910

Partly clear. Moderate. Wind S. in the am. N. pm

Jimmie (heifer) 2 yrs. old.


Hubby brot in first egg since Dec. 1st

Knicknackerd in the house playing youngsters, etc.

Derake's Comet seems to be growing dimmer.

Helped Hubby do evening chores.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29 1910

Snowing all day. Cold wind all ways.

Kansas is 49 years old today.

Arose first. Hubby tired out. Pounded tin pans till 10 and only got cake, popcorn and –un–fermented grape juice!

Gus seems sweet on his new bride. For her sake I hope he never forgets to be.

Hubby went to town. Bathed Freddie. Trimmed and braided both girls hair. Did a little washing.

Saved up all the boards hubby gave me for wood. Hubby churned for me. Minnie didn't know how butter was made.


Mother Moehlman died 22 yrs ago.

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28 1910

Cold. Partly cloudy. Wind S. to N.

Arose late-no school today.


Gus and Fred Priboth drove thru.

Helped Hubby pile lumber for corn crib.


H. Hubard rode in to let "Fred" know where to gather for the chavirari.
Hubby is gone now but I heard only a few shots.

Had to punish Johnny for wetting the bed again.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27 1910

Clear warm wind west to south.

Took Julia to school. Amy Cole waved as I passed. Worked little in cellar. Hubby went to Henry M's after corn sheller, 2 hole gasoline stove and work bench which bot on the sale yesterday. Helped him get two shacks fodder from west field. Went after Julia. Talked long time at corner with Rufine and Clarence Coffee.

Beaut hooked Jersey down. Gus G. Preboth and Ruth Ester Williams Married last night at 8 O'Clock. He is 31 and she is 17. Cole's phoned to know when to Charivari them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 26 1910

Clear brisk sharp west wind.

Topsy found a fine steer calf last night.

Hubby took Julia to school. Man came this morning to sell a horse. Worked in cellar, mixed ground feed.

Mrs. Miller sent two skirts, 3 pr. trousers, 2 jackets, 1 vest and 1 coat.

Mrs. Flora Churchill came at 1 o'clock and staid till after 4. Returned meat chopped and got yeast cakes. Hubby went to C. W. Carlson's sale.