About the Diaries

Julia's diaries were given to me by my Great-Aunt Kathleen whose father was Johnny, Julia's son. My grandfather was Freddie, Julia's other son. I have always had a fascination with Julia Simair-Moehlman, so much so that I named my daughter after her. I do not have copies of all of the diaries, only months here and there over a variety of years.

Julia had a number of tragedies in her life and it is interesting to see how the content of her posts change over time. I am surprised how modern her language seems at time, calling her husband "hubby" and I am charmed by the turn of the century phrases that seem so efficient, as when she is "setting the house right".

I will do my best to transcribe these as accurately as possible with no adjustments for grammar, punctuation or spelling. They are sometimes a bit  illegible, but will do my best.

I will also include the good, the bad and the ugly. I am lucky that my Great  Grandmother was a lovely, moral and thoughtful person, allowing me to copy everything with few reservations.

I hope you find them at least a bit engaging.